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Students conducting fieldwork abroad

Our students collaborate with faculty and industry leaders, communicate with diverse audiences, and completing challenging research projects—abilities desired by graduate schools and employers alike. For example:

  • Biology students have conducted fieldwork in Costa Rica and Chilé during the summer.
  • Chemistry students have investigated proteins, DNA, cellular damage from oxidants, and the creation of new molecules.
  • Computer Science students have partnered with Cleveland Clinic radiologists to develop software that allows doctors to read X-rays remotely.
  • English and History students have published articles in prestigious academic journals and literary magazines.
  • Neuroscience students have won first place for research papers in 24 out of the last 25 years at the Eastern Colleges Science Conference.
  • Physics and Engineering Physics students do research with ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ faculty in the summer leading to presentations at regional and national conferences, and co-authorship on journal publications.
  • Psychological Science students have presented research findings at conferences such as the Midwestern Psychological Association’s Meeting in Chicago and the Ohio Undergraduate Psychology Research Conference.
  • Sociology students participate in a poverty and solidarity program in the Cleveland area.
  • Each spring, the ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ community gathers for the Celebration of Scholarship to recognize the outstanding student and faculty research that takes place throughout the year.
  • Funding for student research is available in many ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ academic departments. Explore our Programs of Study to learn more about different fields. See the Guidelines for Colleran-Weaver Research Fellowships for research funding opportunities.