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Working from our goals down to our programs, we integrated direct and indirect assessment measures into the following programs in the last two years: Carroll Faith Communities, Manresa Retreat, the Eight Day Silent Retreat, March for Life, Crossroads retreat, First Year retreat, Becoming evening of reflection, Leadership Dinner (which includes a host of leadership positions including interfaith and liturgy), and the Immersion Program.

Campus Ministry’s goals map to the University Goals in the following ways: Mapping Campus Ministry Learning Goals to University Learning Goals

Campus Ministry assessed Goals 2 and 5 in the 2015-2016 academic year; Goals 4 and 6 in the 2016-2017 year (in addition to Goals 2, 5); and Goals 1 and 3 in the 2017-2018 academic year (in addition to Goals 2, 5, 4, 6). We began with a trial year for each goal and corrected our assessment measures after that trial year. In 2018-2019 we moved to assessing 2 goals per year.