Named Justin G. Longenecker Fellow of the United States Association for Small Business andEntrepreneurship
Cleveland, OH (Jan. 23, 2023) - Boler College of Business Professor, Dr. Doan Winkel, has been nameda Justin G. Longenecker Fellow, the highest honor given by the United States Association for SmallBusiness and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) to entrepreneurship educators.
This award honors individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the development,furtherance, and benefit of entrepreneurs and small and medium businesses. The USASBE Fellows Awardrecognizes the achievements of those men and women whose passion and desire for small business andentrepreneurship is reflected in their teaching, writing, research, training, and public service. Since 1986,87 distinguished educators, researchers, government officials, small business advocates and tradeassociation leaders have been selected as USASBE Fellows.
"It is an honor to join this distinguished group of educators who inspired me since I began my academicjourney,” said Dr. Winkel. “What excites me most about this honor is being able to inspire the nextgeneration of educators looking to innovate and disrupt how we deliver and research entrepreneurshipeducation."
Dr. Winkel was nominated by Longenecker Fellow Dr. Eric Liguori. "Doan is an engaged member ofUSASBE, an award-winning teacher, an accomplished scholar, and an entrepreneur. For 10 years heserved USASBE on the Board of Directors, holding a variety of senior leadership roles,” Dr. Liguori said.“Those newer to the field likely know Doan for his work developing dynamic, engaging, and highlyexperiential learning tools for the contemporary classroom. And, those of us who have been aroundlonger, know him not just for these things, but also his fearlessness in pushing boundaries, his signatureBrooks Brothers button downs and what might soon become the world-record holding collection ofnovelty cufflinks.”
“We are incredibly proud of Dr. Winkel and this achievement. Doan is a distinguished member of ourBoler faculty, and has made an indelible impact on Ӱ̳,” said Dr. Elad Granot, Deanof the Boler College of Business. Dr. Winkel’s work reflects Boler’s commitment to providingexperiential learning opportunities and quality graduate programs, two important parts of the “BolerEffect”. The Boler Effect encapsulates cutting-edge initiatives to innovate the higher education spacewhile offering the highest quality education.
ABOUT BOLER COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Ӱ̳’s Boler College of Business ( is widely recognized as one of thetop business schools in the region. The goal of the Boler graduate programs is to blend our core Jesuitprinciples with a non-traditional experiential learning program to help you get more out of your career.
ABOUT DOAN WINKEL Doan is the Founding Director of the Bill and Sue Donnelly School of Leadership and Social Innovation,the John J. Kahl, Sr. Chair in Entrepreneurship, and the Director of the Edward M. Muldoon Center forEntrepreneurship at Ӱ̳.
ABOUT THE UNITED STATES ASSOCIATION FOR SMALL BUSINESS ANDENTREPRENEURSHIP Founded in 1981, USASBE is an inclusive community of educators, researchers, and entrepreneursadvancing entrepreneurship education through bold teaching, scholarship, and practice. Membership isopen to all, as is attendance at USASBE’s hallmark annual conference. USASBE also publishes apeer-reviewed academic journal, Entrepreneurship Education & Pedagogy, and develops a variety ofhelpful resources and professional development opportunities for entrepreneurship educators as theycreate a positive impact.